Wednesday 21 October 2015



Aperture works with focus, choosing the right aperture setting allows certain areas in the photo to be in focus and blur out other areas. The aperture is controlled by a hole which light passes through, the hole gets bigger to allow more light in, then smaller for less light. This effects the depth of field, which is the amount focus that is visible in a photograph.

The aperture is measured on an internationally agreed scale. It is measured in F - Stops.
The full sequence of the measurements are:

f/2.8   f/4  f/5.6  f/8  f/11  f/16  f/22  f/32

Large Aperture is f/numbers f/2 and f/4, this allows a shallow depth so that the foreground is in focus and the background is out of focus.

Small Aperture is f/11 and f/16, this allows a large depth so that everything in the image is in sharp focus.

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