Wednesday 21 October 2015

Creating Logo

To create my logo, I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I first scanned my thumbnail of my logo into Photoshop and saved the image, then I opened the image into Adobe Illustrator. Using the pen tool I used the scanned image as a template to recreate the logo digitally. I found the pen tool quite easy to use, however creating the curves was difficult as I had to try and make the lines symmetrical .

After getting feedback fro peers, I decided to change the shape and location, the outcome is found in my sketchbook. I created the shape of the apple using my observational drawing of an apple, and scanned it into Photoshop and opened the image into Adobe Illustrator and used the pen tool to create the simple shape, then added it to the original shoe on my logo. I think that this second outcome is better as it is a lot clearer as to what the logo depicts, which means the theme should be easily identified.  

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